Within the discussion about professional training, the term “knowledge work” refers to coping with work tasks which are complex or new at least to the person concerned in professional work. Acknowledge work requires a large variety of information and sound knowledge as a raw material. (Nonaka, Takeuchi, 1995; Pine, Gilmore, 1999) It generates new knowledge as a product. Davenport’s definition for knowledge work is: “In our definition, knowledge work’s primary activity is the acquisition, creation, packaging, or application of knowledge.
The Goals and Visions of Knowledge Work and Learning Arrangements
It is necessary for Europe’s enterprises to be more effective and efficient in their work to be more competitive. At the same time the quality of both working life and the working conditions for the employee must not suffer, and these are just some of the aims. So, the main goal is to help to improve working conditions for knowledge and e-workers (Davenport, Beck, 2002)
Knowledge products transfer knowledge from staff and traditional media (like manuals) about “classical” products or service products into multimedia format. So, the added-value lies in supplying all different user groups with information, training and qualification needs. To understand the product at their individual working task. Because products get more and more complex and are designed in short hfecycles they have to be explained.
- Rapid change of markets requires faster introduction of new products
- Lack of developing and handling understandable products just-in-time
- Lack of target group oriented solutions in production support
- Insufficient training and quahfication materials
The main result of the knowledge product concept is that it works! Installing a prototype of a training and qualification (knowledge) resource for the gas furnace enables workers in maintenance to improve their effectiveness. Yesterday, even alpha teams had problems to find solutions for unusual errors. Today, with access to this work process-oriented knowledge resource with anytime – anywhere accessibility, the service performance of maintenance staff has been much improved.