Instruction manuals are extremely essential for giving guidance and instructions to the newly hired staff and recruits. They have to be briefed about all the office-related work. They have to be guided on how to operate and take care of machinery, deal with the customers and with the staff, the office etiquettes and so on. For proper guidance, it is essential that the instruction manual is written extremely well and covers all the crucial aspects of working in a specific office. For this reason, it is highly important to consider several things. You can also take help from
The Purpose of the Instruction Manual
While writing the instruction manual, you must be aware of the exact purpose that it has to provide. This is done so that you cover all the points, and nothing important is left out. The instruction manual may have several sections. You must know the purpose of each section so you can write accordingly. One section might provide the basic instructions on machine operations, while the other might deal with safety instructions. Hence, knowing the purpose is essential before writing the manual.
The Possible Questions the Reader Might Have
While writing the instruction manual, you have to consider where your reader is coming from, how much knowledge he has about the working process, machinery, etc. It would be best to consider all the workers’ questions before joining this line of work. This is done so that you can put yourself in the shows of the recruits and write a manual that guides them perfectly and addresses all their concerns, issues, and questions to work in the best way possible with minimum errors and queries.
Are Visual Instructions Required?
While writing instruction manuals, it is important to consider where visual work instruction is necessary to be added. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” There are times when words are not enough to describe a process. This is when illustrations and visual work instructions come in handy. When illustrations accompany the instructions, it is easier to understand the instructions; hence the task can be completed quickly, easily, and with fewer errors. For example, if the instructions are provided for assembling the parts of a machine, and those instructions have illustrations with them, the worker would understand them easily and could confirm his progress by comparing with the illustrations.