Moving homes can be quite daunting if there is a lack of planning. Here is a compilation of all to-do things to make your home move smooth and stress-free.
Confirm your moving date
First and foremost, you must obtain official confirmation of your moving date from your conveyancers and the house sellers. If you are renting in Sittingbourne then your Sittingbourne letting agents can help you in the letting process and ensure everything is done right. You might be able to split moving out and moving in across several days if you’re renting. This way, you can get into your new house and get any maintenance done, such as cleaning carpets and painting, without the added stress of moving in. If you’re at the end of the chain, you could have to wait a long time for the rest of the transactions to complete. Determine your position in the chain and make plans in advance in case things take longer than expected.
Give your landlord a notice
If you’re renting, you’ll need to notify your landlord of your departure date. Ideally, this will occur at the conclusion of your lease, allowing you to avoid paying both rent and your mortgage at the same time.
Make contact with your utility providers
Notify all of your utility providers that you’ll be moving out — your energy, gas, phone, and broadband providers will all need to know when you’ll be departing. It’s likely that you’ll be transferring your phone and internet service to your new home. Because transferring service can take many weeks, give your supplier as much warning as possible.
You might have to wait for your internet connection at your new home to be set up, so make sure you download anything vital you might need, such as appliance instructions, directions, and those movies you’ve been wanting to watch. If you don’t have internet when you first move in, consider turning your phone into a mobile hotspot. It’s not a long-term answer, but it will assist you in staying organised.
Finally, take a final metre reading in your home and send it to the appropriate vendors. Taking a picture of the metre, which will include a timestamp, may be useful in establishing the metre reading at the time the photo was taken.
Obtain quotations for your relocation expenditures
When it comes to moving, it all comes down to what works best for your budget and the size of your home. If you’re moving into a tiny space or if cost is a major consideration, renting a van and enlisting the help of a few friends will likely be less expensive. However, because this can easily add to the stress of moving day, be sure it’s appropriate for you.
Before you relocate, do a thorough cleaning
This is an ideal time to sort through your old belongings and determine what is and is not worth preserving. Go through your old clothes, electronics, and furnishings before you start packing stuff up. Decide what is truly valuable to keep and what can be donated to a local charity. If you reduce the number of items you need to move to your new house, you’ll save a lot of time, effort, and backache.
Make a list of everything you’ll need in your new home
Most people wait until there’s a gushing radiator before figuring out how to turn off the water – won’t be one of them. Inquire with the sellers of your new home about the following items
Appliances’ instructions
Meters for gas and electricity
Fuse box for the thermostat
Make a list of where all the critical things are in your home if you’re selling, and leave it for the folks who will be moving in. They’ll appreciate it if you do this and it might come in helpful if you need to ask them for a favour.
Take everything you’ll need for moving day
You’ll need the necessities for your first night at your new place, so prepare a box or two containing the following items:
Tea, milk, coffee, sugar, kettle, mugs
Cleaning supplies, as well as a vacuum cleaner and garbage bags
Chargers for phones and laptops
Toilet paper, kitchen paper
The first night’s bedding and duvet
Deck chairs and other temporary furniture
Radio or television
Also, store all of your documents, such as your passport and mortgage documentation, in a convenient location.
Your new home
After you’ve unloaded everything, give the place a thorough cleaning before you begin unpacking. Scrubbing tiles and cleaning carpets is much easier at this time.
Unpack one room at a time, beginning with the kitchen.
Make sure that all of the utilities are up and running.
Make sure you have keys to all of the doors, windows, and cabinets.
Find out when your trash is collected.
With all this in place, you can relax and move homes in a smooth manner!