Dementia is a degenerative condition that primarily impacts memory. While the symptoms are more than just this, it is known commonly as memory disease because this is the biggest thing it takes away most rapidly. If you think your loved one might have dementia, it is important to take fast action as soon as you notice any of the signs. Read on to find out more about when to look for help.
Know The Common Signs
Dementia is a disease that causes lots of symptoms in the people who suffer from it. Though the most common association is memory loss, dementia extends beyond this as it progresses and will eventually affect things like mobility, ability to eat, engagement with personal hygiene, and even familiar people recognition. If you notice any of the following symptoms in your loved one, it is time for further exploration with a medical professional.
Memory Loss
The first big sign you will notice that leads you to think about dementia as a possible cause is memory loss. Is your loved one forgetting where they put their phone a little more often? Are they repeating themselves in conversation and telling you the same story over and over? These are all signs that the memory is struggling, and it can be highly distressing for everyone involved.
Disorientation in this respect is when someone who may have dementia struggles to focus on their daily agenda. They may become unclear or foggy about things they’d normally take in their stride like what time of day they’re supposed to be somewhere, or even what month it is. As the disease progresses this disorientation will become worse and it can cause major episodes of confusion when out and about or at home. This increases the distress factor and ultimately ends up demanding constant supervision to avoid injury or worse.
Mood Swings
Mood swing is a broad term, but when it comes to dementia there are a few things to watch out for. Your loved one will be at an increased risk of things like anxiety and depression because of all the changes happening in their mind. They will also become more volatile because of these reasons and the level of disorientation they are feeling. This might cause adverse behaviour that you don’t recognize as a part of their personality. Dementia can change people, sadly, so this is something to watch out for.
Do Research Online
Online research is a highly useful tool in this journey. You might take a simple quiz online to decide, does my loved one have dementia? Back this up with some medical journal reading and you may have a clearer picture to move forward with.
Observe Them
Follow this up with a lot of observation, and you may be able to sit down with a health professional with a clear overview of what you want from a diagnosis and what stage of dementia is suspected.
Going through the journey of dementia with a loved one is never going to be an easy thing. It is highly emotive and there are many paths to navigate, but getting a diagnosis will be a big step to finding ways to move forward.