Announcement of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) exempting control of cannabis extracts – hemp and some hemp plants published in the Royal Gazette a few days ago. This makes many people question whether this unlocks cannabis cultivation or not.
This announcement marks another critical step in the Ministry of Health’s policy to support the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Still, it may cause people to wonder what the effect of the announcement is. BBC Thai has compiled the statement of this announcement and the concerns of medical marijuana followers to clear any doubts raised.
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Unlock extract not unlock planting
Announcement of the Ministry of Public Health Re: Specifying the name of the category five narcotics (No. 2), 2019, issued on August 30, does not remove the cannabis plant from being a drug. The announcement stated that All parts of the CBD kaufen plant, including the leaves, flowers, shoots, fruits, and substances such as rubber, oil, in the cannabis plant, including all parts of the hemp plant, are still drugs.
In addition, the Government Gazette also announced the Narcotics Control Board. The 2019 Hemp Specification states that hemp is a subspecies of the cannabis plant with a maximum THC content in leaves and inflorescences of 0.5% per dry weight. In addition, hemp seeds are defined as having no more than 0.3% THC content in leaves and inflorescences per dry weight.
About the announcement specifying the characteristics of hemp, MD. The secretary-general of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clarified today (September 2) that the purpose was to separate cannabis and hemp. To make it easier to regulate marijuana use in the future and promote the cultivation of hemp as a leading economic crop.
What has been removed from the drug list?
The two main active ingredients of cannabis for medical use are cannabidiol or CBD kaufen and tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which have different therapeutic properties, but THC is the active ingredient. Mental and nervous In treating each disease, the Medical Department, Ministry of Public Health, Therefore, there are contraindications for patients with specific diseases that should not use THC.
In the Ministry of Public Health announcement, subject to specifying the name of category five narcotics (No. 2) 2019, there are unlocks as follows.
– Hemp and cannabis plant extracts include cannabidiol (CBD) that is greater than or equal to 99% pure, with a content of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive substance. Not more than 0.01 percent by weight
According to the Drug or Herbal Products Act, products containing CBD as the main ingredient and THC not more than 0.2% by weight (in cannabis and hemp), which is a drug or herbal product.
– Hemp seeds or hemp oil or hemp seed extract to be used in the food and cosmetics industry, But the seeds used must be those that cannot be fertilized or rendered inanimate.
– Dried bark, dried stem core, dried fibers, and products made from this component of hemp and hemp. (There is already a control exemption under the old law.)
– All of this in the first five years after the announcement of the Ministerial Regulation Assigned only to the statutory licensee’s domestic production.
What’s unlocked?
The determination of the amount of CBD kaufen and THC in this notification of the Ministry The public sector following the utilization of medical cannabis has its eyes on the Exclusion of hemp extract control.
The Biological Way Foundation or Bio Thai posted a comment on the Foundation’s Facebook page that this may be “Lock hemp” and “lock specification” CBD more than unlocking and implied that it is more favorable to capitalists than domestic producers.
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